ClassClap contributes to changing the face of educational management in highland areas
The ClassClap has contributed significantly to improving educational management activities at Ta Mung Ethnic Minority day-boarding Primary School.
The ClassClap school management platform has received positive feedback from Ta Mung Ethnic Minority day-boarding Primary School because the application has contributed significantly to improving educational management activities here.
After training sessions and sharing experiences when using ClassClap software, teachers applied it to their work and achieved the desired results.
>> See more: Many teachers are interested in the Webinar “Applying technology in modern school management”
ClassClap has contributed to simplifying school management activities. General, basic daily activities of the school are managed on the school leadership account, such as the number of students of the entire school, requests from teachers, number of posts from classes, teaching schedules of all teachers,…
Mr. Phan Trac Huong – Principal of Ta Mung Ethnic Minority day-boarding Primary School highly appreciated the student population management feature on the ClassClap educational management application because this feature is suitable for the characteristics of highland schools, which is the ratio students missing school and dropping out of school are still high. When not using ClassClap, teachers often take attendance manually in the classroom, then report the data to the leadership. The leadership twill summarize data in all classes and report to the Department of Education. However, with the school management feature on ClassClap, the application has detailed statistics on the number of students absent from school in each class immediately after class attendance is completed, the work is shortened a part of time and effort.
Along with that, ClassClap has also provided solutions for meal registration activities, serving boarding plans for schools. Based on the number of students, teachers will register meals for the day/week/month.
For a highland school that still faces many difficulties like Ta Mung Ethnic Minority day-boarding Primary Schools, ClassClap advocates completely free support for services on the application so that teachers and students can enjoy the benefits of information technology which can bring to education. ClassClap also regularly supports teachers during the process of using the application so that teachers can have the best experience.
>> See more: Register for meals – More convenient thanks to the ClassClap school management app
ClassClap also always wants to be able to contribute more efforts to the management of education in highland areas, such as the policy of exempting and reducing user fees for difficult schools, borders, islands,… and students with special circumstances. Schools and administrators in difficult areas who need to use the ClassClap school management application, please contact us for support.
With ClassClap’s efforts, we hope to contribute more to educational innovation in disadvantaged areas in particular and throughout Vietnam in general.
Download the most useful free classroom management application here:
For iOS: http://bit.ly/Tai-ClassClap-iOS
For Android: http://bit.ly/Tai-ClassClap-Android
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