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ClassClap’s News


Get rid of the headache in finding primary management software in the 4.0 era

ClassClap is primary management software helping to manage students more easily when the education requires to apply technology advances in the 4.0 era.


Teach your children life skills through the ClassClap student management tool

Children’s life skills will be gradually trained and improved when applying modern student management methods such as ClassClap application.


Personal management, group management of students easily with ClassClap school management app

School management with the ClassClap application will assist teachers in managing groups of students easier and more efficiently by the newly utilities.


Primary children – features that need to be managed by student management software

Nowadays, managing primary school students by software: Why is it necessary and how to manage them effectively is a question that many parents are concerned about.


ClassClap – Primary school management application that makes kids love to go to school

ClassClap primary school management application incorporates a clear training grade that makes children enjoy school every day.


Effective Classroom Management – The principles of the teacher’s heart

For effective classroom management, build a routine for class, teachers need to follow specific rules to create a good learning environment for students.