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Organize and manage classes efficiently with the free classroom management application

ClassClap free classroom management application will help teachers work efficiently thanks to its convenient features, updated with the latest advances in technology.

ClassClap free classroom management application will help teachers’ work more and more efficiently thanks to new, convenient features. Especially, it updates on the latest advances in science and technology.

How does organizing and managing classes using the free classroom management application differ from traditional methods?

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With long strides in technology, technology applications are increasingly being applied in many areas of life. With teachers at all levels from preschool, elementary to middle school, high school, … classroom organization and management activities are also constantly changing to suit the current situation, so the educational management software was born to serve the needs of teachers.

The free classroom management app overcomes the disadvantages of traditional management methods

Firstly, in terms of science, application-based classroom management will help organize the class in an orderly manner. With the previous methods used, teachers can collect and store information using notebooks or computer data files. This leads to information that can be lost or updated more slowly than it really is, because updating new information always requires human intervention.

However, with the free ClassClap classroom management app, each student’s information is stored on a common system. Teachers can access this information by using software installed on mobile devices and quickly and change and update information conveniently. With the combination of parents, collecting student information is no longer a burden for every teacher.

Thanks to the convenient and intelligent storage system of ClassClap educational management applications, teachers can reduce the time spent on management activities, spend that time studying interesting lessons than for students.

Applying classroom management by application to teaching activities in class is a great step, contributing to building a civilized and modern learning environment.

ClassClap – The free classroom management app covers all needs of student management

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The free ClassClap classroom management application integrates all the functions needed to help teachers organize and manage classrooms into one product. The application ensures that 100% parents are aware of their children’s information. No longer a long list of parents that are difficult to look up when needed, no longer calls that mess with information,… Now, with these new school management tools, teachers create classes with all students and each student is connected with their parents.

This feature will help limit the missed information that parents and students often encounter if using notifications through regular chat apps. The system will send notifications as soon as there are new changes to each student account.

With the features of grading and viewing reports directly on the ClassClap classroom management application, teachers will save some time spent on statistical work. The application supports viewing scores, looking up students ‘scores according to different time periods. It is so convenient for teachers to evaluate students’ efforts in the long process.

The ClassClap application helps students enjoy an enjoyable learning experience

ClassClap not only builds a learning scoring system but also develops additional functions to enhance the learning experience for students with the object of comprehensive child development. In addition to learning, parents can observe their child’s progress through a system of training scores, teachers’ comments on each child’s progress, … Recognition and evaluation of both teachers and parents will make them feel motivated to try harder.

ClassClap also develops online communication functions within the app so that teachers and parents can close the distance from each other. The feature of sending school absent notices, prescribing drugs, chatting, … helps parents to contact teachers quickly and more conveniently than normal chat application platforms.

With such advances and the ability to meet the essential needs of classroom organization and management, ClassClap believes that teachers and parents will be pleased with using this app in building a happy classroom. 

Download the most useful free classroom management app here:

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